Hi, I'm the proud owner of 2 hobs.  Both are a little over 1 year, in
exelent health, fixed but not desented, weighing over 3 pounds each.  Why
all the straight laced info?  Well, I need your help.  2x's a year our
University hospital gives away 1 to 4 ferrets.  That's up to 8 ferrets a
year and I can not take them all.  I will help to organize, contact, ship,
whatever it takes, if homes are not found they are put to sleep and we can't
have that happening!
Some info: The ferrets go into the hospital straight from the breeders (I'll
try and find out who).  When they are about 1 they are big enough to be used
for premature baby testing by the medical students.  This happens once and
then the doctor trys to find homes for them.  Hospital rules are that the
ferrets are not allowed to go to rescue facilities nor may they be sold.
The ferrets are always hobs, fixed at an older age, not desented and =
around 1 to 1 1/2 years old.  They are in exelent health and though a little
skittish at first, very fun and ferrety.
If you are interested in helping out, finding out more info or doing the
same in your area; Please contact me at [log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 2320]