Dear Cecilia,
I agree with you 100% in regards to everything you said.
The only pet store person I met who was helpful and knowledgable about
ferrets was a gentleman I met at Thomlinson Pet Store in Austin.  Funny
thing, I went back to Austin for a visit last month and he did not work
there.  Nor was the pet store selling ferrets any longer.  (The girl behind
the counter informed me that customers complained of the smell.  The man at
the pet store used to let me go behind the class room to pet the ferrets; I
never noticed a smell).
To comment on ferrets being destructive: they are no different than any
other pet, except if the person is willing to take the time to watch over
their ferret as they would their human baby or toddler, the damage would be
minimal.  I know!  My guys can be stubborn when it comes to wanting to get
through or under a closed door.  I also feel human children are more
destructive than ferret.  Would an adult human throw away their child if
that child was given to ripping up things in the house, drawing on the
walls, peeing on the carpet (I know one human little boy who does this),
etc.?  NO?!  Well, why do it to a ferret?!!!  They are easier to train than
most children and they do not talk back.  Well, 99% of them don't (my Stacia
is my attitude child)-Lise
P.S. Cecilia since you are in the Houston area (I am just SE Houston
would you (or your crew) know where I can adopt a ferret who is big.,
i.e., over 3 lbs.?  If you do, please contact me at:
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[Posted in FML issue 2318]