Hi folks,
Well, I took the ferrets out for a walk (in their new leash-n-harness sets)
today, and noticed this crow cawing loudly on a branch overhead.  As we made
our way down the block, the crow followed us, hopping from tree to tree, and
continuing to caw.  (I think it was a crow.  Large, black bird... and it
looked capable of carrying off a ferret-sized creature).  When a few more
crows began to arrive, I grabbed the ferrets up from the ground and
doubletimed to a different area of the neighborhood to continue the walk;
eventually we stopped being followed.
So - my question is - would a crow be likely to try and make off with a
ferret that I was within a couple of feet of?  I want to be able to take
the ferrets out for walks - they enjoy the walks so - but I don't want to
risk them being mistaken for breakfast by the heftier avians of the region.
[Posted in FML issue 2316]