>From:    Nicole Wilson <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: box training
>Please help me with this.  My friend has bought a baby fuzzbutt and
>unfortunately he is not already box trained.  I would like to get your
>suggestions on how she can train her fuzzie.
To start teaching a kit how to use a litter pan, we find the corner where
the ferret is currently going now & put a litter pan in that corner.  Put a
little bit of clean litter in the pan (at first the ferret might dig this
out!) and put poops in the box to get the "this is where you go" message to
the ferret and to discourage digging or sleeping in the box.  If the ferret
doesn't go in the box & chooses a different corner (since they like to go in
corners), put things in the corner to make them non-corners - IE, rocks,
food dishes, toys, etc.  Use a litter pan that is easy for the ferret to
back into.  Corner pans work well - make sure you get high sides or you may
have poop outside the box from an overshot.  When watching some of our kits
using the pans, they will back up so much they are almost standing on their
heads!  There are more litter box training tips on the ferret FAQ available
from this list or from Ferret Central.
>From:    Cheryl <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Separating Ferrets
>I have two ferrets Chief 2 1/2 and Tabitha 5 months. <snip>
>Currently by brother and I room mate and the ferrets share a cage.  <snip>
>will they be okay if we separate them from each other permanently when my
>brother moves out in February or do I need to introduce more ferrets to
>help the transition?
My husband & I live with his parents & have two pet ferrets, Snickers &
Bandit.  We had gotten Mitts, a rescue, & my in-laws had fallen in love with
her "I am the Queen" attitude & she became their first fuzzy.  She had her
own cage, but played all the time with Snickers & Bandit, who lived in our
bathroom.  My in-laws would let her out & she would play by herself for a
few seconds & then would run right upstairs & sit by the bathroom door
waiting for somebody to let Snickers & Bandit out, too.  So cute!
Well, the concern came up that when my husband & I moved & took Snickers &
Bandit with us, Mitts would be really lonely.  So next came a little sable
kit we bred, Beau (sweet, but a little stupid).  This worked out great as
she still loves Snickers & Bandit, but she is attached to Beau, Andy &
Whatchamacallit (in-laws' ferret math problem) and should be just fine when
we move.
As for your ferrets, I would get another companion ferret for each and
another cage for them both.  This will make adjustments easier by giving the
ferrets gradual separation.  They will still see & play with each other, but
will be bonded with another fuzzy & will have that one to depend on as a
buddy when the big move happens.
>From:    Marta -Cricket <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Weight loss
>I have a question about winter weight loss.... how much weight loss the
>norm is.
Well, ferrets put weight on in the winter & take off weight in the summer.
If your ferret loses weight in the winter, seek medical attention.  But in
the spring/summer weight loss is normal.  You say your ferret lost a great
deal of weight.  How much is that?  Ours lose maybe 10 -20 % of their body
weight (I am guessing at the percentage really), but if yours become less
active or go off their feed, consult your vet.  And by all means, if you
have any questions about your ferret's health - don't hesitate to call up
your vet and ask.  It can nip a problem right in the bud!  Your ferrets
sound to me like they are going thru normal season weight changes.
Amy Flemming
[Posted in FML issue 2313]