Regarding the postings about the ferret that seemed to be ill after riding
in the car and the ferret named Tobra that is 6 years old and has seemed
wobbly and disoriented at times lately .  .  .
The symptoms described, i.e. drooling, gagging, the ferret pawing at its
mouth, lethargy, wobbliness, are the same symptoms my ferret, Elwood,
displayed when suffering from a tumor on his pancreas.  I believe the
condition is called insulinoma because the tumor causes an inbalance in
blood sugar making the ferret lethargic and nauseated (which causes it to
paw at its mouth).
Many times the symptoms are first noticed after the ferret has been in a
stress-causing situation (like riding in a car).  Our Elwood would show
symptoms immediately after a bath---he's not that fond of them---hence,
stress.  And the 6 year old Tobra is right at the age where this could
occur (with or without a car ride).
Do your ferrets play a short while then lay down and stare, kind of glassy-
eyed, like they're totally tired out . . .  then play a little bit more
and do the same thing again?
The pawing at the mouth is, as mentioned earlier, caused by nausea that is a
direct result of the blood sugar imbalance.  This can be quite frightening
to the ferret owner because sometimes the pawing can bring blood and makes
the ferret's mouth sore causing it to avoid it's usual food.
If your ferrets display the same symptoms again, try to give them some
honey.  The sweetness of the honey counteracts the low blood sugar almost
immediately (the trick is getting them to take it.  Elwood didn't like
honey.  But it can be smeared on the ferrets mouths so they will lick it
Just so you'll know and not worry . . . Elwood had surgery for his tumor in
January and is doing marvelous.  The vet removed the largest tumor (there
were many small ones impossible to get to throughtout the pancreas that will
"get" him eventually).  His stitches have healed beautifully and the hair on
his tummy has all grown back.  He is as playful as he was as a kit rather
than sleeping so much as when he was ill.  We just watch for returning
symptoms . . .  and hope he stays well for a long, long time.
Please check with you vet if your vet is ferret-wise.  It sounds as though
both of your ferrets may be ill and needing medication or surgery.
Here's hoping I'm wrong,
[Posted in FML issue 2313]