I have been a silent observer for a while now and would like to introduce
myself and my "family".  I have a 3 year old sable male "Tyler" and a newly
adopted female sable rescue who is possibly 2 years old named "Tessa".  I
have had her for seven weeks and she is such a sweet girl.  She is truely
learing how to be a ferret...she is so happy.
My question is this: she is going in on friday for exploratory
surgery...possibly an ovarian reminent or adrenal....My male ferret has been
SO AGRESSIVE to her from day one (they met outside on neutral territory).
He has NEVER been agressive to any other ferret.  Could it be her strange
smell due to the hormones?  They live and play separately because she
screams and shakes every time he comes near.  It seems as though he is
"hunting" her.
Honestly, my first thoughts were, why me?  I have lost two ferrets in the
past three years to disease...they were young and they were my life.  But,
if I wouldn't have adopted her, who would of?  Would they have seen her life
as being precious and opted for expensive surgery?  I am SO SO glad that she
picked me to be her mom......She has given me SO much joy...wish I could say
the same for Tyler!!!  I am very fortunate I have a good job and can afford
to do almost anything for my family....
Please let me know if any of you have seen agression TOWARDS a ferret with
suspected adrenal disease or ovarian reminent...Is there any hope for them
after her surgery?
Please keep Tessa in your prayers....she WILL make it!
Tyler, Tessa and "Fur Angels" Teesha and Taylor
[Posted in FML issue 2313]