Stinka our 6 year old sable female had her second opinion today.
The vet examined her, listened to her heart, took her temperature.  I wish
she had told us the results of these, such as actual temp and heart rate so
we could have double checked.  She said they were o.k.
She said she did not hear any congestion.  She said Stinkas heart beat was
rapid and shallow.
They did x-rays (with out anesthesia-yeah!) to be sure there was no
respretory infection.  She also did a heartworm check.
The heart worm check was negative.  She said the x-ray showed just a little
bit of fluid in Stinkas lungs.  She said it was the early stage of heart
problems, but she did not want to prescribe any of the typical heart
medicines because of the side effects.  She does not want to make her sick
with these side effects.  She said she could give her some Lasix for the
fluid.  She is going to order the liquid Lasix and we can pick it up
Thursday.  She also said the x-ray might have shown a very slight
She said she can send us for an EKG, but at this time I think we are
going to wait and see what the Lasix does.
I want to thank everyone for all their support, prayers, help, and
advice.  Thank you!!
[Posted in FML issue 2313]