To those who suggested getting a bag of play sand for the ferts, KUDOS!
My wife and I purchased a translucent, large, rubbermaid tote with a lid on
sale.  I cut a dryer hose sized hole in the lid, filled the tote half way
with play-grade sand.  Talk about hilarious!  The kids rushed around
backwards dragging sand with paws, dug to bottom of the tote, snorkled, dug
more, dragged more, and snorkled again.  One got out watching the other
dig, and ducked every time sand hit the side of the tote.  I plan on
affixing a dryer hose to the lid to provide even more ferret fun.
Total cost:
$4.99 for the tote on sale  $2.50 for a 50lb bag of "play sand".
To Nikki ([log in to unmask]),
I trained my first by keeping him in a smallish cage (not too small though)
with a litter box for the first week or so we had him.  We let him out
regularly for run arounds so he wouldn't become cage crazed, but because
ferts are clean animals like cats he quickly learned that a box full of
litter was for doing his business.  Gradually we let him play in larger and
larger areas with litter boxes set in convenient corners.  If he decided
that he liked one corner better than another, we made sure there was a box
there.  The key was limiting space, but gradually increasing the space while
making sure the little critter always knew where a box could be found.
The smallish cage became a largish travel cage for the car and the furbutt
got moved to a MidWest Condo Cage.
Some other suggestions:
1) Leave a little stool in each box after cleaning.  This will remind the
   little one what the box is for.
2) When the fuzz bean wakes up, wait to take him/her out until s/he uses
   the box in the cage.
3) When ever the kid uses a box praise him/her, cuddle him/her, tell
   him/her what a smart and wonderful critter s/he is.
4) When you see the critter backing into a corner, pick him/her up and put
   him/her into the closest box.
5) If you see the fert using an inappropriate corner, clap your hands
   smartly and say "no" sternly.  I've found that often this startles
   the **** right back inside!
Good Luck!
The Arts in Technology--Creative Consulting and Contracting
J. Matthew Saunders
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"We have to work in the theatre of our own time,
with the tools of our own time" --Robert Edmond Jones
[Posted in FML issue 2313]