I sent for some information re the LOS Ferret Fever being held at the
Carousel Center in Syracuse on 6/13.  I'm not entering my ferret, but the
entry form to be filled out for each ferret requests the date of birth, and
the name of the ferret's parents.  How do you get this information?  I
bought my Path Valley Farm ferret from a pet store; after a phone call to
the pet store, and then the pet store calling the distributor, we had to
guess his age based on approximately he was at each stop.  That's the best
we could do.  I suppose it's impossible at this point to get this
information.  Does this mean that I won't be able to enter Brae in any
contests because we don't have this information?  If/when I decide to get
another ferret, what can I do to make sure I get this information?  Thanks!
[Posted in FML issue 2312]