You may remember I posted a couple weeks ago about building a self-contained
ferret shelter in my back yard.
Well now we are working on raising funds (no, I'm not asking for cash
donations though they would be gladly accepted ;-)) and we have one way that
will not cost you anything except a few minutes of your time daily, weekly,
or whatever time you can afford to donate.
If you signup and surf for Ferret Family Services at we
will earn money.  You can surf up to 5 times at once and each time earns .06
for FFS.  We receive a quarterly check and the last quarter of last year
was $70.
We are working on raising $6000 so whatever time you can donate to our
project will be greatly appreciated.  Thanks in advance!
In case you are wondering why I'm building a facility - I've been infected
with ECE for 2+ years now and I need a clean area as well as an area to
quarantine rabies suspects (ferrets) and a quiet place for rehabbing special
cases.  As soon as the building is up we will apply for our state shelter
license.  FFS is currently a state charitable organization and licensed as a
business.  (Yep, I need more licenses to make my taxes more confusing -
especially since I do my own).
Hugs to all. tle
[Posted in FML issue 2273]