Hello Everyone:
Doug and I would like to thank everyone that wrote to us with their support,
sympathy, kindness and love regarding Oki.  I have made an effort to reply
to every email personally but Doug is unable to even read them as yet
because it hurts him too much, so I have been replying fpr both of us.
We must have received at least 25 letters so far and they have all been
filled with so much love.
Hug your fuzzies a bit closer tonight and kiss them just that once more for
Oki. Their lives are so very precious.
Thankyou to everyone here and regarding the person a few weeks back who
wanted to unsubscribe from here because we were all obsessed with our
ferrets.....I wonder what that person is going to do when their ferret gets
ill or dies.  Sad that they will be all alone.  We have felt the FML embrace
and it is really quite remarkable.
Cindy, Doug and Footsie
missing Oki
[Posted in FML issue 2293]