Hello again, I feel like I've been posting here quite a bit lately, but it's
worth it to learn.  Question #1: Fidgit's tummy hair and a few hairs on his
shoulders (the undercoat) seem to be taking on a yellowish tint.  Is there
something that causes this?  I thought I read once that it had to do with
diet.  He is currently eating Iams kitten food and given a small amount of 8
in 1 ferret treat.  He also gets ferretone at least 3 times a week and we
give him hairball remedy once or twice a week as well.  He gets peanut
butter to lick off our fingers and an occassional raisin or marshmallow as
well.  We're still experimenting with what he likes to eat, he seems to
dislike fruit, however he stole a piece of fresh coconut the other day and
ate it.  Anyhow, my question was what I can do to make his coat appear
whiter (at least the white part of it).
Question #2: Are dog biscuits okay for him to snack on?  I bought my dogs a
trial bag of "old mother hubbard" (I believe that is the brand) dog biscuits
that are peanut butter flavored.  Fidgit thinks they are great..he found one
that the dogs didn't want.  They are tiny biscuits, about 1" to 1 1/2" in
length.  I thought it might be good for his teeth, but I don't want to feed
him something that isn't good for him.
Just a comment...As I've stated before my husband and I (and our pets) are
expecting our first child in a little less than a month.  Recently Fidgit
has taken to getting into things he knows are off limits.  I'm not sure if
he's doing this because he senses the changes going on or if he's just
decided it's fun to be told No!  He finds it a great game to look
deliberately at us and dart for something he knows he's not suppose to get
into.  As soon as we yell no, he starts a war dance and scampers to our feet
dooking, then back to the stuff he's suppose to leave alone.  It's cute
sometimes..but I hope he's not feeling neglected or something.  He has also
taken to teasing our rabbit.  They aren't allowed to play together because
the rabbit doesn't care for Fidgit.  But Fidgit has found ways to crawl to
her cage and peer in and dook at her....I think he just wants to play, but
it aggravates the rabbit.  Anyone think that Fidgit is just looking for more
attention or a play friend?  My husband and I want to get another ferret to
keep Fidgit company, esp.  since his playtime will be a little more
restricted once the baby starts crawling around the floor.  Right now we
can't afford to care for another ferret as it deserves so it will have to
wait.  We will be moving to Ne in June and my brother has a ferret that
Fidgit likes to play with, so they will be able to play together daily
starting in June.  Fidgit has started to get more lovey, giving us more
kisses and refusing to be left alone in a room, he'll scratch at the door
and try to peek under it.
Any suggestions on how to introduce the ferret and the baby would be
appreciated as well.  I've thought of having my husband bring home a blanket
smelling of baby before we bring baby home.  I'm not really sure what else I
can do though.  Fidgit is only 6 months and a baby himself yet.  He gets
along with young children, but he's never seen a baby before.  After reading
the horror stories of the ferrets accused of not liking babies I'm a little
leary.  Would taping the baby crying and playing it before we came home give
us any clue as to if the sound will bother Fidgit?  He doesn't seem to mind
the squeak of toys or be bothered by crying babies on television.
Alicia, Skot, & Fidgit
[Posted in FML issue 2281]