Tonight four less paws are prancing at Ferret Wise.
Our little old gal Bandi- has been reprieved from her long fight against the
dread lymphosarcoma.  Since arriving in early January Bandi has endured
steroid medications and nutritional support.  Though she looked to be
carrying golf balls in the pouches of her neck her eyes still twinkled her
step pranced quickly.  Bandi's dark sabel coat turned grey in the past three
weeks, her energy level dropped significantly-- she still would steal
occasional "junk kibbles" from the new arrivals-- but her appetite and her
stools told that the disease was indeed invading her organs.
We had a great morning Bandi and I-- we talked and chattered - cuddled and
then I called the vet to confer-- We took an early afternoon drive Bandi and
I-- and she actually left her carrier and strolled the van, then waited at
the open door to be lifted down.  Palpation revealed to the vet as well
that -- Bandi was indeed uncomfortable-- and since her last steroid
injection was only 5 days ago-- it was not going to make the difference we
had hoped for.
Bandi showed no fear, no apprehension as she sat on my shoulder, adn soon
she had drifted off to play with Sir Peanut, Betsy, Grandpa Moses, Pepere,
Babi, Bandit, Bonnie, Sadie, Pippin, Opie, Beth, Willie, Spice, Baby,
Baggins, Gandalf, Ariel, Cloud, Dr. Who, Farence, Tribble, and the many
other fur kids that have departed so swiftly for rainbow bridge.
Bandi-- you sweet gentle old gal-- you were always welcome here-- thank you
for staying and playing with us.  Your gal firend BandiTu waits behind, and
she will miss your motherly ways.  An empty cage remains in the corner-- so
all the shelter kids can stop by and say-- thanks-- for sharing with us.
Rest sweet one-- we miss those four light paws which graced the floor at
Ferret Wise.
Your shelter Mom
and Ewok
[Posted in FML issue 2280]