Just a brief note on how to handle pictures on websites, backgrounds, awards
and the like.  Many people like to take backgrounds, pictures, and other
little tid bits we like from sites that we enjoy.  When people first start
making websites, these myriad pictures, backgrounds etc are just *begging*
to be used.  I should know, I've been guilty of this infraction myself.
However, the backgrounds/ pictures etc on a site belong on THAT site, not
on someone elses.
I have recently been forced to talk to some people about having removed some
items from my sites - in particular the Spokane site.  In many ways, it's a
thrill to see that people enjoy my backgrounds and artwork as much as to
take them and use them on their sites, and in truth I quite enjoy seeing it.
I've seen my "Best Viewed by a Ferret" buttons popping up all over the
place!  However, in the case of my backgrounds, I have had to ask to use
others' ferrets in many cases to base the backgrounds on, and therefore, I
do appreciate people asking permission to use the backgrounds in question.
I have yet to refuse anyones' request to use any of my artwork, but I do
generally ask that the name of the ferret, and a link to the originating
site is given in return.
I feel that this is not much to ask, and it definitely is not something
that I would mind doing for others if I was asked to do the same.  (I
have backgrounds whose origin I have never found, and if the person who
originally made the work asked me to credit them, I'd be glad to do so)
In my opinion it is just common courtesy to extend to a person whose
backgrounds/pictures or awards you are taking to at least ask permission to
do so.  This will generally waylay bad feelings, and in most cases, will
give you an extra site to link to and that will normally link back to you.
As a matter of interest, I have had people tell me straight out that they
are the person that did sites I've spent weeks working on, and others that
have passed on that backgrounds I've spent my energy on have been done by
their hands.  I don't appreciate the lies, nor do others that know the hours
I've spent on these things.  In my opinion, I have barely scratched the
surface of what I *should* be doing for ferrets, but in barely scratching
the surface I have spent a lot of sleepless nights, and don't appreciate
others taking the credit for my work.
If I, or someone who knows my work, sees anything I do on a website and I
haven't been previously asked to use the material, I will, and have, asked
for them to credit my site.  Most responses are positive.  A very few have
taken offence at my asking for credit for my own work and have removed the
offending work without even passing on that it was removed.
For those that are offended when a person who asks them to credit their site
or their work, please, ask yourself *why* are you offended?  I know that my
letters have been polite, I make attempts to remain so, no matter what the
situation.  Sometimes, I slip, but generally I believe I handle myself
relatively well.  If someone asks for credit, please, either put a link to
their site from a little note at the bottom of your page, or remove the
"offending item" and pass on to the people concerned that you have done so.
They, and I, would appreciate it.
For the ferrets who died in Spokane 19 November 1997...
     (or the mirror sites)
May their lives be remembered, and their murderer
punished to the fullest extent of the law
[Posted in FML issue 2279]