Lori Christian asked about litterpans when traveling (along with a few
others).  The ferrets asked me to describe their travel carrier which
they seem to love (they often sleep in it at home when they get tired).
It is an intermediate size carrier (nothing too big).  The important part
is a board on 4" stilts set inside.  The board has a hold cut in one corner
so the ferrets can crawl underneath into a pile of towels.  Above the board
is a hammock (of course).  I cut three other holes in the board.  One large
one has a shallow box fastened under it as a litterpan.  The other two are
smaller and deeper.  One holds food and the other catches drippings from
the waterbottle.  The board, litterpan, and bowls are one piece and coated
with fiberglass so it can be washed in dishwasher, etc...
All four (females) fit together fine in the three levels (usually all in
the hammock, but sometimes in the basement).  The middle floor is for
observing me, eating, drinking, and pooping.
             Bryan P. Coffey - Boston, MA
       Ferrets of Chaos - Albi, Esef, Merri, and Mint
[Posted in FML issue 2278]