I signed up for this, and after a few minutes, was merrily surfing away,
earning 6 cents per hit for the shelter.  I selected the areas of interest
that I wanted, and got ad's tailored to my likes.  Most of them were
interesting also :), it's easy to do, as soon as you hit the site, you get
an ad and credit for the hit.  You're limited to 5 hits per day (30 cents),
but I can't think of a better or easier way to send money to shelters, if
you love to surf the net, as I do.  Let's see- 5 hits at 6 cents each is 30
cents, times 30 days is $9 per month, times 12 months is $108 per year,
times X number of folks who sign up= untold $ for needy shelters.  Sounds
like a formula for success to me.
Please consider using this as a painless way of getting your donations to
shelters.  There are 5 or 6 ferret shelter listed, so you would have your
[Posted in FML issue 2277]