This will help folks inform their local departments.  If I have made no
note then assume that there is now state policy for quarantine instead of
destruction.  Remember that there are bound to be more states with
autonomous local departments than any of us know about yet, and that even
when they aren't many local departments have not been informed or have
chosen to stay UNinformed so they might kill first and ask the state
departments later.  The people below and those who work for them can help
you get a letter on your own state letterhead if your local departments
need them.  My part of this job is now pretty much done (Whew!!!) since
almost all states are now following the '98 Compendium.  The Morris Animal
Foundation has the info it needs.  Copies of all letters are available from
Troy Lynn and I can send you copies once I get more envelopes till I run
out (Have about 20 left.) for $6.00 which will almost cover the copying and
probably typos so I'm glad you have phone books.
ALABAMA 334-206-5969 William B. Johnson,
ALASKA 907-269-8000 Elizabeth Funk and John Middaugh,
ARIZONA 602-230-5917 Mira Leslie -- advises legislation,
ARKANSAS 501-661-2597 Thomas McChesney,
CALIFORNIA 916-327-0332 Kevin Reilly and Dr. Starr -- looks like they will
           soon be formalizing a compromise which involves a quarantine
           (albeit longer one) which they had to buck F&G to do at all so
           be thankful for them being logical,
COLORADO 303-692-2628 John Pape,
CONNECTICUT 860-509-7994 Randall Nelson -- 14 day quarantine,
DELAWARE 302-739-4811 Wesley Towers -- procedure to get Q being pursued now
         they had to wait for a committee member to get back from extended
         family leave,
FLORIDA 850-488-2905 Richard S. Hopkins -- legislation being pursued to be
        extra safe,
GEORGIA 404-657-2610 Jane Koehler,
HAWAII 808-586-4586 David Sasaki -- ferrets banned for ecological reasons
       which make sense for this particular state so Health Dept.  must
       work with Agriculture's Quarantine Branch if an incident occurs,
IDAHO 208-332-8540 Kendal G. Eyre -- required lengthy procedures to have
      changes being followed,
ILLINOIS (IL Dept. of Agriculture) Dr. Bromwell -- can't find my phone
         number and first name stuff on this one in the about 250+ pages of
INDIANA 317-277-0323 Sandra Norman and Robert Teclaw -- required lengthy
        procedures to have changes being followed,
IOWA 515-281-4933 Russell Currier and Patricia Quinlisk,
KANSAS 785-295-1127 Gail Hansen -- JUST finished due to Dr. Hansen's
       persistence (as per Troy Lynn),
KENTUCKY 502-564-3418 Michael Auslander -- autonomous local departments,
LOUISIANA 504-568-5005 Louise McFarland -- required lengthy procedures to
          have changes being followed (hoping for July),
MAINE 207-287-3701 C.W. Ridky -- required lengthy procedures to have
      changes being followed which were expected to be done by now so
      residents should check,
MARYLAND 410-767-6712 Clifford Johnson,
MASSACHUSETTS 617-983-6800 Janine Young,
MICHIGAN 517-335-8165 Mary Grace Stobierski (for official state press
         release: 517-241-2112 Geralyn Lasher) -- looks like local
         departments m autonomous or at least some are uninformed and fast
         to kill,
MINNESOTA 612-623-5000 Jeff Bender -- the last time I heard from Randy he
          said there were still problems so am hoping for a more positive
MISSISSIPPI 601-354-6089 Frank Rogers,
MISSOURI 573-751-6136 F.T. Satalowich,
MONTANA 406-444-3986 Todd Damrow,
NEBRASKA 402-471-2937 Roger Murray -- required lengthy procedures to have
         changes being followed but there is partial protection last I heard,
NEVADA 702-688-1182 Alan Bosomworth -- seem to recall a recent report of
       local trouble in the FML but don't know if departments autonomous
       or some just don't read their memos,
NEW HAMPSHIRE 603-271-2404 Clifford McGinnis -- required lengthy procedures
              to have changes being followed but legislation is progressing
              very well to also include unvaccinated ferrets in quarantines,
NEW JERSEY 609-588-3121 Faye Sorhage,
NEW MEXICO 505-827-0013 Edith Umland and Paul Attistead -- misplaced some
           records for this state so would appreciate any corrections if
           needed from Mini,
NEW YORK 518-474-3186 Milicent Eidson -- required lengthy procedures to have
         changes, being further complicated by state not being certain for
         a while what the right procedures were (still unknown if
         legislation may eventually be needed) but her department is
         recommending quarantine without the formalization,
NORTH CAROLINA 919-733-3410 Lee Hunter -- required lengthy procedures to
               have changes being followed; last I heard the State Attorney
               General's Office was still deciding on how to do it,
NORTH DAKOTA 701-328-2655 Larry Schuler,
OHIO 614-466-3543 Kathleen A. Smith -- autonomous local departments,
OKLAHOMA 405-271-4060 Kristy Bradley,
OREGON 503-731-4024 Emilio De Bess,
PENNSYLVANIA 717-787-3350 James Rankin,
RHODE ISLAND 406-22-2781 Susan Littlefield -- required lengthy procedures
             to have changes being followed; may already have partial
             protection if vaccinated,
SOUTH CAROLINA 803-737-4170 John Brown,
SOUTH DAKOTA 605-773-3361 Susan E. Lance Parker,
TENNESSEE 615-532-8514 Gary Swinger,
TEXAS 512-458-7111 James Wright -- were moving form 30 day quarantine to 10
      which may even be in place now so someone there should ask,
UTAH 801-538-7160 Michael Marshall,
VERMONT 802-863-7240 ad in-state 800-640-4374 Robert H. Johnson -- having
Emergency Rule Change till formalized,
VIRGINIA 804-786-6261 Suzanne Jenkins,
WASHINGTON 360-902-1878 Robert Mead,
WEST VIRGINIA 304-558-5358 and in-state 800-423-1271 Carl Berryman --
autonomous local departments and he advises legislation,
WISCONSIN 608-266-1251 James Kazmierczak, WYOMING 307-777-5596 Gayle L.
[Posted in FML issue 2277]