Here I am again, as self-righteous as ever!
Todd has put forward excellent suggestions on how to stop your ferret
digging holes in the carpet, the chicken wire sounds good.
Just think, how would you feel if you had the your fingers and thumbs
amputated at the first joint, it'd sure stop your nails growing wouldn't it,
throw those nail files and clippers away, no need to bother with manicures
and nail varnish ever again, think of the time you'd save!
>Glenn posted:
>If a ferret has to have it's toes cut off to remain in a "decent" home, it
>was not in a decent home to begin with.  What if the ferret, after having
>it's paws mangled, starts biting?  Is it then justifiable to cut it's teeth
>out so it can remain in a "decent" home?
I have some ferrets that bite, and bite hard if they are given the
opportunity - I know they bite so I'm careful how I handle them, I wouldn't
dream of cutting their teeth.  I can trim their claws etc. but I'm just
that little bit more cautious, Ferretone on the belly sure works wonders :-)
I think it is high time that prospective ferret owners were warned that
ferrets can be destructive before they commit themselves to giving a home to
Perhaps "diggy" boxes might be the answer.  A box with access ramps for the
ferrets, and deep enough so that damp sand is not thrown out.
Hey, I've just had a thought if a ferret is neutered (I think that most of
us agree on neutering - it's just the age at which is should be done that
causes problems), it's de-scented thus effectively removing one form of
defence; then it's de-clawed, that's another line of defence gone and
finally we pulled all it's teeth out - the poor ferret is now completely
defenceless.  It can't breed, it can't attack, it can no longer defend
itself - Eureka!  even CaCa Fish & Gestapo couldn't do a better job!
Perhaps they'd allow the ferret to become legal in the State of California.
Bolton Ferret Welfare & National Ferret Welfare Society Newsletter Editor (Last Update 7 April 1998)
Waiting at Rainbow Bridge: Jill & Deanna Troi
[Posted in FML issue 2275]