Hi Everyone!
Just wanted to share a quick story.  My husband and I were talking to this
lady a couple months ago that my husband knows and he mentioned that we had
a cat, a guinea pig, and two ferrets.  As soon as he mentioned the word
ferrets she immediately ask, "Do you touch them?"  I was so stunned that
someone could ask such a dumb question as that, that all I could say was,
"Yes." I'm thinking to myself, do I touch them?  Of course I do!  What good
would it do to have an animal and not be able to touch them and hold them?
Some people come out with the craziest things.  After we both got home I
began to really think of what she said and still right now as I type this
can not believe you could ask such a question in all seriousness.  Us ferret
luvin' people still have a lot of misconceptions to clear up..oh goody,
goody!  <alittle sarcasim there>
Rebecca...Not only do I touch them I kiss them too...eiuuuuu!
Zoe..."Chase me mommy, chase me!"
Tori..."I gotta sock and their's a foot attached!"
[Posted in FML issue 2274]