Hi all, it's been a-while since I've posted.  Usually it's to defend someone
or something, this shall be no different.  As a member of Ferrets Anonymous
and other organizations dealing with ferts and thier people.  I also have
several subscriptions for ferret related reading material.  Of which most
are NEW to the market.  I ordered the 10 Days to a Trained Ferret at the '97
March Ferret Roundup held in Clairmont, Ca.  It was just in the printing
stages, so it took about 3 to 4 months to get the book.  So did Modern
Ferret and other mags.  When, like Mary and Eric, you are working out of
your home, garage or small rented office space and you are inundated with
orders, e-mail, phone calls, illness etc., you get my point, there will be
delays.  Now I personally do not know this to be the problem or the case
with the "training book".  However, the book will work, if you have the
patience and repetative attitude to teach a ferret.  The operating word is
repete.  The ferret has a short attention span unless he/she is intent on
getting at or to something he/she wants.  You can not have any distractions
for the ferret, other than the teaching tools - treats.  If you try to teach
more than one ferret at a time, then you may RUN into problems.
I have been waiting for the #13, #14, #15 and soon to be #16 issue of Modern
Ferret.  This is on a new paid 2 year subscription.  Yes I have notified
Mary, Eric and Modern Ferret via e-mail more than once and was told they
were on their way, well guess what I'm still waiting and BUYING missed
issues.  But that is no reason to go online and try to destroy their
business.  I'll either wait for my issues to come or continue to buy them,
and never renew my sub.  Right now I'm loosing money badly, but not as bad
as when the sub runs out and I buy from a store.
Now for some of the ferret newsletters and orgs I support, that will stop,
there are only 2 that I can count on and they will continue to get my money,
the others, well they will know who they are when I DON'T RENEW.
There is a toy out for ferts now called Cheweasel, personally my ferts love
them, while I've heard orthers do not.  But like books, mags, orgs, etc.,
it's a personal thing for the fert and the owner.  And the old adage buyer
I personally saw Nancy Wilson do some quick improv training on a fert from
the audience at the '97 Ferret Roundup and it DID work.
These are my own opinions and do not force them on anyone.  I also do not
work for or get freebies from, any of the above.  (But I will take a
Cheweasel any day for my fert kids, hehe).
OK BIG you asked and you received, hehe.
Sheba and the Outlaw Dookers from Hades (Slingblade/kizersaw)
[Posted in FML issue 2272]