>My 6.5 post-op adrenal ferret (left one, 1.5 years ago) had a bladder
>infection on March 18.  He passed blood and had a temp of 106, so my vet
>gave him a shot of antibiotics and something for the pain and prescribed
Bladder infections in male ferrets, are almost always caused by a prostrate
problem.  And a prostrate problem is almost always caused by an adrenal
problem.  Symptoms include urinary blockage, incontenence, and lower
abdominal discomfort, usually noticeable when attempting to urinate or
while being handled.
All the antibiotics do is reduce the infection, but it will always come
back..faster and more dibilitating each subsequent occurence.  Talk to your
vet...from what I understand, it doesn't go away unless surgery is
performed.  I suppose holistic medicine may be an option but I personally
don't believe in it, and my darlins' are too important to me to risk on
something that is unproven.  (To me)
Please remember that hair loss isn't the only indicater of adrenal problems.
My Garret never lost any hair during the year he suffered through bladder
infection after bladder infection.  His right adrenal was 4 times normal
size and was definately the cause of his problems.
MC  (The Rude One)
[Posted in FML issue 2272]