First, before I get to the Ferrets Across America project, I have to say
that I am extermely shaken and upset by the tragedy that struck Mary Ann in
Florida. I will immediately be sending something out to her, but I just
wanted to say that this hit a chord in me like no other tragedy, only
because this is my BIGGEST fear in life. I am not kidding. I have nighmares
about it. If my house caught on fire, I WOULD die inside trying to save the
ferrets. You see, if I did survive and my babies did not, I would not be
able to function in the real world. Say what you will about not being
realistic, I don't care. They are my life, my love, my soul. God, how I
feel so much pain for Mary Ann, I ache inside with tears on my face.
Nothing can take away her pain, hopefully time will help her for nothing
else can.
Now, on to Ferrets Across America... (I hope that transition does not seem
harsh...I'm still so shaken for Mary Ann)... We had a very successful
transport last weekend from Kansas to Georgia, thanks to another great batch
of transport volunteers!  This program is becoming quite popular very
quickly... I never seem to get a break.  But that's good, because I know
that someone at the end of each transport is very happy!  Jackie was waiting
for these ferrets since December, and I am so happy that I could have
something to do with their uniting finally.
I now have a very small transport that needs to be covered, I'm hoping that
someone can PLEASE help! If you are in the RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA area, I
need to get a pair of ferrets from Raleigh to Hickory, North Carolina,
possibly this weekend (Saturday). I will know the exact day and time
hopefully tomorrow. The rest of the trip has been covered already (ferrets
are going to Huntsville, Alabama). This is the last part of the trip that
we need covered. Raleigh to Hickory, according to my map program, is 167
miles, so all things considered, it's not *too* bad of a trip.
If this doesn't work out (i.e., if my Hickory contact can't help this
weekend), let me know if you'd be willing to drive part/whole way from
Raleigh to Atlanta, Georgia (this would be a longer trip, 395 miles by my
Please e-mail to BOTH of the following addesses: [log in to unmask] and
[log in to unmask] Thank you all very much! It's due to YOU that
Ferrets Across America is becoming such a success!!!
Kymberlie Becker Barone
Director, Pennsylvania Ferret Rescue Association
"Forget Puppy Love...There's nothing Greater than Ferret Love!" TM
[Posted in FML issue 2271]