My 6.5 post-op adrenal ferret (left one, 1.5 years ago) had a bladder
infection on March 18.  He passed blood and had a temp of 106, so my vet
gave him a shot of antibiotics and something for the pain and prescribed
Amoxy.  The urination problem cleared the same day.  He continued to have a
temp, so the vet changed the medication to Clavamox on March 24.  His
bloodwork on the 18th was very good.  I saw some improvement, as he resumed
eating his dry food, but I had to supplement with duck soup.  He went off
his dry food again on April 5 and had a temp of 104 on the 6th and a return
visit to the vet who changed the medication again to Lincocin Aquadrops, 1/2
cc daily.  His spleen was enlarged a bit.  Today he still has a fever and is
a little uncomfortable, so I called and we agreed I could give him 1/4
child's aspirin.  My vet says we have to give the new antibiotic five days.
He says we may have to do exploratory surgery if this continues, something I
would like to avoid at his age.  Has anyone's ferret had a hard time
fighting an infection?
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