Hello to everyone out there!!
My little ferret Thelma has been in for surgery for adrenal twice.  (I have
posted about this before).  They found nothing!!
It has been two weeks and 3 days since her last surgery.  Suddenly I have
noticed that her vulva is not as swollen and she is starting to get some
fur on her back and her sides!!
Can anyone explain to me what might be happening here??  She DID NOT have a
tumor removed, and yet her adrenal symptoms are going away!!
I am curious as to why this is happening??
Secondly - I had asked this question before, and I may have missed to post
with my answer - I am trying to integrate Bartles and Jaymes with Louise.
How long do I let them try and fight it out?  I gave them all baths on
Friday and for about 15 minutes (while they were drying off) they were Ok
with each other and then bang - Louise started biting Jaymes, and they were
off and fighting.  I broke it up after a couple of minutes because they
looked like they were not about to stop anytime soon!  The good news was
that Louise did NOT poop in fear this time and she seemed pretty impressed
with herself (unlike the last time where she cowered in fear and then
attacked quite viciously).  There was no blood shed or anything quite so
severe, but I am not sure how long I let them hiss and fight and scream (god
lord can Louise ever screech!!  - and they haven't even touched her yet!!)
Thanks for reading,
Oscar and JD (minous) God help us let's hope she doesn't get anymore of
these little critters that chase us all over the place
Thelma (hey look, I am getting some of my fur back - darn - I am going
to start looking like a normal fert soon and not my funny looking
Louise (mommy brought me two boys to play with but I am going to pretend
for a bit longer that I don't like them - and screaming is really fun,
mommy picks me up whenever I screech!)
Bartles (look, there's a little girl that looks like me - sniff, sniff,
sniff, she bites me and it hurts!)
Jaymes (I am the fattest and biggest fert of them all (in this household
anyway!!) and I am having lots of fun in my new home.  But, this little
girl fert is not very nice to me, I am going to have to beat her up more!!
[Posted in FML issue 2270]