Greeting all!
I went to see the new movie "Murcury Rising" last night.  Great movie by the
way!  Anyway, in one scene two of the caracters are at a flea market kind of
thing and a guy walking just behind them is carrying what looked like a
stuffed ( as in taxedermied ) mink on a board.  I know.... it's not as good
as a "LIVE" sighting, but......
I too notice that my Worf smells like corn chips ( like Frito's to be
exact ), but its deffinitly his FEET!  Yep, give their feetsies a sniff when
they first wake up, before they walk around any.... Frito Feet!!  By the
way, I've noticed the same smell on puppies feet before too.
Hey, our feet smell tempting to them..... and vise- versa....... Hmmmmm.
Amy Evers
and: Worf (aka: The Velociweasel!) Missing our sweet Katie.
"Here's Dookin' at You Kit!"
[Posted in FML issue 2270]