Tikki wrote about her "dead" ferret DJ, who seemed to be resurrected from
the dead, only after giving everyone a heart attack.  I wonder how many of
us would admit to having the same thing happen to us, even after years of
Background: My wife, Joan, and I operate the 4 Li'l Paws Ferret Shelter in
Merrimack, NH.  Have for about 5 years now.  In that time we have had nearly
600 ferret pass through the shelter - ages kits on up to geriatrics.  As
newbe's we've had the same scare as this apparently lifeless form flops in
our hands.  You'd think we'd know better by now though.
Yesterday as Joan was tending to a couple of kits in the shelter, the phone
rang.  I answered it (something I usually don't do since no one ever calls
for me anyway) but, hey, I was standing right there.  Of course it was for
I called her, but got this panicy reply, "I can't come now, I have a dead
ferret in my hands."
I yell and equally paniced, "WHAT!!!" and drop the phone as I run in to the
shelter room; meeting Joan running out of the shelter room.  In her hands is
this floppy dark sable kit; totally devoid of any external signs of life.
I reach out to take him, just as one eye squints open and he gives me this
sleepy look, followed by a mighty yawn.  Joan and I burst out laughing.
We'd been "had" again.
Dick B.
[Posted in FML issue 2269]