Mr. Lipinski,
I'd like to clarify comments in your post regarding Jean Smith.
First, Lance Seurer has not been exonerated.  He has been released *with
prejudice* , meaning he can be arrested again at any time for this incident.
This was explained by Scott Kassap when Lance's release was reported.
What is the circumstantial evidence against Ms. Smith?  Did I miss seeing
this report?
To my knowledge there was nothing remotely close to $7000.00 in funds and
supplies donated to Ms. Smith.  It was reported in the papers that she said
she *lost* $7000.00 in the death of her ferrets.  A couple of months after
the incident I was told a total of about $15.00 was sent in to the trust
fund.  I have no idea the total amount of funds/supplies Ms. Smith actually
received.  I never asked her since it really was none of my business.
This is a statement from the Spokane Review on March, 26th.  "Bank accounts
to help Smith, 50, were started in Spokane and in Idaho after she reported
the net loss from the ferrets exceeded $7,000."
It would be very interesting to know who has recently sent you an appeal
for Ms. Smith's ferrets.  The web site devoted to this incident clearly has
all the latest information that we know about, including the newspaper
account of Lance Seurer being released *with prejudice*.
To my knowledge Ms. Smith never appealed to anyone for funds or supplies.
Appeals were made on behalf of the ferrets by a few of us.  Our concern was
and is for the welfare of the ferrets and thanks to the generosity of the
ferret community and FML, by donating funds directly to the vets, funds and
supplies to Ms. Smith for the ferrets, all the ferrets from that point on
IF the guilty person should be Ms. Smith, I'm the one who owes each of you
an apology for sending the details and asking for help for the ferrets.  My
first reaction was "Oh my God, I'll never get involved in anything else
again if this is true".  However, my love for these wonderful little
critters will lead me to be involved in anyway that will provide a happier
and healthier life for them.  Ms. Smith did not ask me to write to the FML.
When I made her aware of the FML and asked if I could get the story to
them, she said "Please do.  Everyone should know about this and help to
find the person responsible."  Jean did NOT ask for a thing!
If donations to causes we feel worthy are illegal, God help all needy
animals and humans everywhere.  There would be many of us on the FML guilty
for appeals we've made to help so many fuzzies and I personally feel
honored to be among them.  I'm afraid I'll continue to be a "soft touch"
for the benefit of the ferrets I love so much.
Whether this was all a scam or not, I don't know.  The concern should be
that the guilty party be found and arrested as soon as possible, no matter
Lie detector tests are not admissible in court.  Emotions play a big factor
in the results.  I believe a person capable of such cold-hearted torture
could easily pass a lie detector test and I'd hate to see our justice
system use these as proof of innocence or guilt.
I have requested information from PAWS and will be contacting Ms. Lombardi
on Monday.
Jackie Hawley
[Posted in FML issue 2268]