I am guilty of closet worshipping too.  The smell is devine, the tail not
the butt, and it really does put me in utopia!!!  Jader has a krinkle pillow
I made him, when he is not using it I do, the scent on the pillow makes me
sleep like a lamb.  Chanel #5 is the next best thing!!!
Take care all
PS:  BIG, I read the final post yesterday, about adding numbers to the
individual posts to zero in quicker.  What about clicking on a numberd post
at the top, and of course when the post is clicked, FOOM you go right to
that post, I am not expertly computer friendly.  But is that too much work
involved to set the digest up that way?
Kodo's rose
[Moderator's note: Some MIME-digest capable mail readers come close to that.
Plus HTML digests are almost implemented here, so your suggestion *will*
indeed be available soon.  Gonna finish up the searching page first though.
(I'm using canned software, so there are limits to what can be changed,
but I think people will be pleased.)  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 2267]