Here we go guys, need another transport! Please help us out!
Origination Destination: Manhattan, Kansas
Final Destination: Hinesville, Georgia
When: Shooting for this weekend!!!
The story: Two darling little ferrets have been adopted by Jackie Hawley
from Lynda Reid... in December!  Since then, several attempts to get the
ferrets from Kansas to Georgia have failed!  Jackie's just dying to meet her
little ones, who are now pushing eight months of age.  Please, if you're in
the area we need covered, consider helping get these little ones to their
new Mommy!
What we've got so far... we do have FAA volunteers from Nashville all the
way to Hinesville covered.  We have from Manhattan Kansas to at least Kansas
City, MO covered.  So, that leaves from Kansas City MO to Nashville
The most direct route, apparently, is straight across MO on 70, into
Illinois, then east on 64, to south 57, to south 24 into Nashville.
These are all major roadways.
We do not have to take this route, of course!  The best way is any way at
this point.  Please, if you live (or know good ferret people who live) along
this route, and would be available this weekend (pref.  Friday or Saturday,
so that the Nashville to GA folks can do this Saturday or Sunday) PLEASE
volunteer.  If you have any questions e-mail me at BOTH of the following
e-mail addresses: [log in to unmask] AND [log in to unmask]
We're also still taking volunteers for the rest of the country!  Send an
e-mail to just the [log in to unmask] address, with the subject Ferrets
Across America, and include your name, phone number, mailing address, and
how far you'd be willing to drive each way for future transports.
Come on, ferret friends! Help is needed. Have car, please travel! :-)
Kymberlie Becker Barone
Director, Pennsylvania Ferret Rescue Association
"Forget Puppy Love...There's nothing Greater than Ferret Love!" TM
[Posted in FML issue 2264]