Hello everyone;
Ferret math struck us once again.  The same day I adopted Dexter and
Valentine (#'s 5 & 6) I got a call from another shelter saying they had the
"older" (more mature) ferrets I had been looking for.  What I was attempting
to achieve was a ferret who was a 'trifle' more sedate than the "wild bunch"
I had.  Please don't get me wrong, I knew what ferrets were all about, the
playfulness, the curiosity, etc.  when I got each and every one of them and
I love them all to death.  I simply wanted a lap ferret (or at least one I
could hold for more than 10 seconds).  What I got was better than my fondest
dreams.  I'd like to introduce you to Butch and Sundance.  Butch is a 5.5
y/o LIGHT sable with a 'V' shaped mask and Sundance is a 4.5 y/o LIGHT (I
hope) silver, very few black guard hairs on the back and rear end, black
eyes, beautiful.  Sundance is quite yellow right now actually I presume from
improper feeding by his previous owners (not our shelter).  My question is
this: Both boys have a slightly enlarged spleen, which I've been told is
somewhat normal for their ages, and Butch has a free-moving mass in the
stomach area.  Both only weigh 2.4 lbs.  but Butch looks really FAT.
Sundance feels thin and frail but Butch is really solid feeling.  Does
anyone out there know what this free-moving mass might be.  The shelter's
vet doesn't think it's anything to worry about and it doesn't seem to be
affecting his health at all, he's very alert, somewhat playful and eats and
drinks just a little more often than my others.  He seems to sleep almost
ALL the time.  Only staying awake for 1/2 hour or so before finding a place
to curl up and sleep.  I thought this must just be due to his age so if I'm
wrong, someone please tell me soon.  Any advice in taking care of these
'older' ferrets and what my vet should look for, or their nutritional needs,
etc.  will be thankfully accepted.
Apryl (and the Fantastic ?Six?) that just turned into EIGHT!
[Posted in FML issue 2266]