Hi all,
Tika came to us as an adoptee from a college kid, over six years old, blind
and had spent most of her life in an 18" x 24" cage and eaten only cat food.
She was a beautiful, petite albino, sweet as sugar; we nourished her back to
health, and although she was too old to really integrate with the younger
fuzzies, but she became more and more of a fert before our eyes, curiously
exploring every corner of the house, and even dooking!  It was hard to
remember that she was totally blind.
Today when we came home, we found her breathing heavily, totally covered in
bloody feces.  I gave her a warm bath as my wife, Dee called the Vet.  Tika
seemed to enjoy the warm water and the gentle stroking, and for a moment I
thought that everything would be alright.  But she collapsed into the
carrier and barely moved; the vet told us that she had massive internal
hemorrhaging, and would never survive the anaesthesia: out only choice was
to put her to sleep.
I could barely see the hole I was trying to dig in the yard I was crying so
much.  I put her next to Herbie, out canary who gave us fifteen years of
joy!  Tika, you were my special sweetheart, we'll all miss you!
Sonam & Dee
Stella, Dupree, Jasmine and Lola (the fuzzbutts)
[Posted in FML issue 2266]