I wrote before about Dinky's broken tooth and have had some feedback on it
from ya'll.  The reason our vet suggested pulling it was because it has
darkened in color.  If it was just broken, there wouldn't be any concern
right now.  Because of the discoloration I need to be concerned with the
tooth abcessing and causing her pain.  As of yet, it doesn't seem to bother
her.  The little piggie is eating fine and had even gained a little weight
since her last weigh-in.  I will keep a close eye out on her and make sure
she continues to eat ok.  Because of the bald spot she had due to stress I
didn't want to make her go thru a tooth-pulling just yet.  I recently
returned to office work after working at home for almost a year.
Personally, I think she just missed me and it stressed her out.  I've been
paying ALOT of attention to her both in the mornings before work and all
evening.  Her hair is growing back just fine.  There's nothing wrong with
her (except for the tooth) that alot of hugs and kisses won't heal.
Toni & Dinky (momma's girl)
[Posted in FML issue 2292]