Hello Everyone:
I am sad to report that Oki left us for the Rainbow Bridge on Monday night.
Oki began to slide backward on Thurs.  night and we had to rush him to
emergency that evening.  The vet there sub q'd him and we took him to our
vet in the morning.  The decision was reached that we could no longer delay
doing Oki's diagnostics and our vet took the first series of blood and did
xrays.  In the mean time he taught us how to sub q Oki and we took him home.
On Sat. we brought Oki back for the last of his blood tests.  The xrays
showed that an old fracture of Oki's had never healed properly and his first
blood tests showed elevated white blood cells.  We were to receive the
balance of the test results on Mon. and make a decision then.  By Okis'
12:00 feeding on Sat night he was vomiting when he ate and by Sun morning I
had contacted Randy at Ferret Aid because I could not reach my vet.  We
rushed Oki to Keven (Randy's vet) and he told us that he would like to
consult with our vet on Mon but that he felt we had no other choice but to
perform exploritory surgery on Wed.  That evening (Sun) Doug and I realized
the surgery was going to have to be performed earlier as Oki could no longer
keep down his meds.  First thing Mon.  morning I called Kevin and booked Oki
in, rushed to my vets to pick up Oki's test results and xrays and then the
30 min drive to Randy's, get her out of bed and we go to Kevins to drop Oki
off.  I stayed at Randy's for he rest of the morning as it was a long way to
go home and come back.  We got a call from Kevin at about 2:00 telling us
that Oki had come through the surgery fine and that Kevin had removed a
swollen spleen and an Adrenal tumor and when he examined Oki's intestines it
appeared Oki had ECE.  Kevin stated that he wanted to keep Oki over night as
he had him on an iv and was giving him fluids and Oki was resting
comfortably.  Oki woke up before Kevin left and was fine.  When Kevins staff
came in in the morning they found Oki curled up in a sleeping postion dead.
I find this very difficult to write and may be overlooking details but this
has had a tremdous impact on myself and Doug.  Oki fought a brave and
courageous battle and he was a good soldier.  He brought so much light to
our lives and we miss him so much.
I would like to thank all of the people who have donated money and items to
the Ferret Aid Society of Toronto in Oki's name.  Randy is a truly
incredible human being and through out our 2 weeks with Oki Randy was my
inspiration, my support, my teacher and most important she has been my
friend.  She has put up with countless telephone calls, pestering questions,
fears and crying, all with a patience and a comforting, soothing way of
being.  We could not have done this as well as we did without Randy.
I would also like to thank Gary Holowicki for his Timmy's and his support
and kindness.  Gary is a compassionate and kind man and he never minded me
forgetting the time difference and calling and waking him up.
I am also thankful to my vet for realizing that Oki's problems were beyond
his experience and not being upset that we chose to have Kevin perform the
surgery and I am glad the two consulted with each other and worked together
in the best interests for Oki.  I think they are both wonderful vets.
We buried Oki in the backyard today.  It was what I wanted as he had never
been outside until he came to live with us and the times he was strong
enough to go out he was amazed with grass and loved being a grass shark.  We
planted a garden over his grave of 16 purple Violas, 8 orange Snap Dragons
and 8 Giant Mixed Colour Pansys.  It will be bright and beautiful when it
blooms and I think he would have loved it.  We have cried alot today and we
will grieve for a long time to come over this little guy.  His name is Oki
and it means Big and that seems appropriate considering how big this little
guys heart was.  We had Oki with us for 2 wks on Monday and as far as we are
concerned...it was not long enough.  I always wanted for Oki to live to see
the cottage and dig in the sand on the beach with Footsie and swim in the
lake with Footsie.  I always wanted Oki to have the life he deserved and
had not had so far until he came to us.  But he was too far gone from
malnutrition and neglect and illness.  I have to believe that at the
Rainbow Bridge there is a beach and a lake and Oki is kicking back in the
sand chugging Timmy's with his new friends.
Cindy and Doug and Footsie
Missing our heart...Oki
[Posted in FML issue 2292]