>From:    Derek & Amy Flemming <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: HELP, My younger ferret is attacking the older one!!!!
>M Neal <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>...The problem is my other ferret Moonie is 1 1/2 yrs old and she is a
>>tiny little thing.  Polar is always pouncing on Moonie, especially when
>>they are in the cage.  He is always biting Moonie.  All I hear is Moonie
>>hissing, and whining while this BIG Baby !! , says on top of her and ...
>Well, in MHO, I believe your new baby is showing his dominance to his new
>cage mate.
Youthful exhuberance.  My youngest two really went after my former oldest.
I thought it was a matter of dominance, however, when I noticed the old
girl's pattern of exploring alone versus encounters with the younger ones
causing her to cry, poof, poop, and pee, I decided the intensity of the
attacks was not playful.  The old girl got separate time out of the cages
from the young ones.  Everybody seemed happy after that.
My $0.02...
[Posted in FML issue 2292]