Hi all
Just wanted to post to brag abit here about the newest member of our loving
family.  We have a 7 months female sable named "Nibbles" (a MF ferret)and
thought she needed a buddy to play with.  We watched the paper and tried to
get info about any shelters around the Tacoma area here in Washington, but
no one returned my calls or email. :(
Finally one day there it was..  An ad in the sunday paper for a male sable..
I called ..found out that the lady was going back to school and wouldn't be
able to spend enough time with her ferret.  So we ran up there and here sits
this male sable outside in his cage.  Oh goodness..  I couldn't believe what
I saw.  His cage had nothing on the bottom.  So he was walking on the wire.
The owner said that the ONLY thing he would eat was friskies canned cat
food.  He's 7mo.  That explained why the bottom of his cage was covered in
"White, clayish color diarrhea" His name is BoBo..Bo for short.  well after
spending time with him and learning of the care she was giving him.  We
brought him home.
He is the most lovable gentle baby .  He gets along with Nibbles really
great..  We have some work to do on his potty habits but that is minor and I
have cleared up his bowel problems in one day.  I changed him to MF ferret
food.  I think he appreciate not having the hersey squirts.  Bo's former
owner told me that she gave him dog bones for treats.  would that explain
the white poop?  well I think this is enough posting for awhile.  Just
wanted to let you all know that a unwanted ferret has been rescued and
brought into loving home.I don't know who is luckier..  Us.. for being able
to enjoy him?  Nibbles..cause she got a playmate?  Or BoBo..for having a
clean vinyl mat to walk on in his cage and good healty food and snacks to
Happy dooking and chuckling to all the carpet sharks out there..
Jayne, Nibs, and Bo
[Posted in FML issue 2291]