Dear Frolic and Freckles--
You don't know me yet but I'm your new little brother.  Mom (Peg Francisco)
bought me in New Jersey where she is staying for the months of April and
May.  I'm a cute little boy dark silver-mitt who Mom fell in love with at
Petco.  I look forward to meeting you at the end of May when I come back
home.  For now, my name is Jersey.  I'm not sure if that will be my
permanent name yet.
Say "Hi" to Uncle Dan the Weaselman for me.  I'm looking forward to meeting
him when I get back to Arizona.  I've already met a few grown up ferrets
here in New Jersey.  "Aunt Melody" and "Uncle Mike" in New Jersey have three
ferrets who played with me, and I had a good time.  The only trouble I had
was when Sweetie tried to drag me off and stash me because she thought she
was my mother!
See you soon.
[Posted in FML issue 2291]