Haven't posted for awhile so I guess I am about due. Several questions:
(1).  Someone requested that we add where we live when posting when trying
to find homes for our fuzzies.  How about going a step further, after
stating the subject add our city and state at the end..  We just may be
right around the corner from our friends.
(2).  Keep the FML going just like it has for the past several weeks.  It's
great to see people post with questions and advise as opposed to ripping
people apart and making others feel uncomfortable not to mention new people
coming in at that time.
(3).  How many other people experience when walking their fuzzies the amount
of time it takes to get to where your going (worse than human kids when
taking their time) but mine seems to have radar when coming back-- SHE
FLIES.  I just head her in the right direction and her little feets fly
faster than I can run, no kidding, her feet don't touch the ground.  The
snuggies are great( I make my own)-- I do all the walking and she's the one
thats tired, go figure.  That's where the snuggies comes in handy.  Well,
enough said.  Bill, keep up the good work, this is the best stress reliever
after coming home from work.
Jackie & Taz
(Bill, I hope this isn't to long)
[Nope, it's fine.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 2291]