Sometimes I think we are the only lucky ones that have a good petstore.  I
have been reading all these posts about Marshal Farm ferrets and the age
they are being shipped.  I've been wondering about our petstore.  I went in
today to buy ferret food and sure enough, there were a new batch of tiny
little babys.  I was very happy to see though, that the store had put a
hold on them all.  When questioned, the worker told me that when they
ordered this batch they were suposed to be older.  They are very upset at
the age they were shipped.  To make sure that all the little ones were ok,
eating well and strong they decided to hold them for a few weeks.  Their
cage was clean, they had toys and tubes, clean water and food, and they let
me play with them (they know me well) They all seem healthy and happy...and
active! :)  I fell in love with one of th little angels, but I already have
4 at I practiced self control.  Anyhow, just to let you all know,
there are a few good pet stores out there that do care about the animals :)
MArta and my small business
Angelina, Nikoali, Sasha and Chico
*Your voice makes me tremble inside and your smile is an invitation for my
imagination to go wild.*
[Posted in FML issue 2289]