The question has been posed -
>Has there been a noticable increase in the price of ferrets in the stores
>OR have the pet stores been using a different source due to increased
>ferret costs from MF?
In Fort Collins, Colorado, the largest independent store has switched from
MF to a Canadian breeder (unknown) because MF increased their prices so
much.  The employee who told me this felt is was directly related to their
reputation/ego - in that they could charge a premium price for being the
best known breeder.  (HIS/HER THOUGHTS-NOT MINE).
My thoughts - they didn't choose the best new source/they're not doing much
for socialization - as the kits that have been in lately have been nasty
biters.  I can see how the market allows and *encourages the best known in
an industry to keep prices at the top of what the market can handle.
Wow, I hope I didn't just fan the fire...
Happy fuzzy thoughts,
[Posted in FML issue 2288]