Well before there was a shelter here I got my first two ferrets from a very
good pet store.  No longer open due to the larger super market pet stores.
Well when I wanted my 2'nd ferret no one here had any.  I even went to a
store 100 miles away.  Well I then waited for the little stink butts to come
in.  Called everyday.  MF ferrets.  I got Mako only an hour after he arrived
at the store.  He was no longer than five inches, not including tail.  With
in one week he was 6 to 7 inches.  It was the funniest thing watching this
little sucker try to defend himself against Sebastian.  Sebastian was almost
four pounds.  He did get a few good bites in.  Watching this little sucker
stuck to Sebastains' neck with no way to reach him or shake him off.  Big
Belly laugh.  I can't see how they can find anything on such a small animal
to remove.
All my ferrets have been MF ferrets weather bought or adopted.  I have never
really seen a problem with them.  I know they alter them way to young, but
if it weren't for MF ferrets I don't think I would ever have seen a domestic
ferret.  Please don't flame me, for I know not what I say.  I took the
little bus to school. :-)  Na, not really.  I feel they should change alot
of their policies.  Maybe not as strongly as some of you.  I agree with a
lot of what has been said lately on Marshall Farms.  Maybe we can change
their policies as a group.
Shelters.  I feel shelters should tell you if they have ever had ECE.  Also
strongly believe that the adoptee should state the same.  I know it is
almost impossible to say as a shelter that this ferret comes with a 100%
health guarantee.  The shelter I use, keeps all ferrets for at least two
weeks to make sure things are okay.  Do they bite, are they healthy, do they
get along with other ferrets, ect..... My hats off to all of you shelter
people.  It takes a very special person to do what you do.  Maybe you all
took the short bus. :-)  I also believe that a personal background check
should be done to screen potential adoptees.  After all ferrets are not for
everyone.  Tell them the good, the bad, the couch, the carpet, the ugly.
As some one here said also just because you have ferrets now doesn't mean a
thing.  I've met people who have had ferrets for years and still didn't know
a thing about them.  They were feeding the ferrets dog food and every now
and then the dog would kill one of them.  They wanted me to set them up for
an adoption.  Because the pet store ferrets where getting to expensive.  Can
you believe that.  After he told me about his dog killing several of his
ferrets over the years.  The guy had to be nuts to think I would help kill
another ferret.  So this idiot may be one in a million.  Why take the
chance.  I baby sat a ferret for the shelter years ago.  I did not want to
return the ferret.  They had no idea what they were doing.  They were on
their thrid ferret in to years.  They could not understand why a ferret
wouldn't come home after being let out.  DAA.  and so on.  I am sure we all
could come up with many, many more.
If I knew then, what I know now.  I would have bought a futon instead of a
really expensive ferret hidie hole sofa and love seat.  I guess furniture
really don't need those dust covers on the bottom any way.  Atleast if
something falls between the cushions now, I can just lift the sofa up and
retrieve it off the floor.  Plus that big hole next to the arm rest that
says ferrets only, gives the love seat such caricature.  It also scares the
crap out of guests that don't expect that cold ferret nose that pooks them
on their elbow from inside the couch.  Sebastian the little trouble maker
would nip you on the back of the arm.  HEE HEE HEE, opps, sorry, bad ferret.
Ferret tea.  I've never used it, but I may.  I know one thing though.
Ferret poop in the trash seems to keep the neighbors dog, raccoons and such
from ripping my trash up.  Maybe I'm just lucky.  Plus I try to put as
little table scraps as possible in the trash.  I wounder if ferret poo tea
will keep the mole crickets from eating my garden?  I think not, plus who
wants to eat a tomato that tastes like &*%$.  :-)
Please if you don't like some of what I say email me directly.
Have a good weekend all.
 Brad, Donna, Taz the spaz, and Marie.
 Have you ever danced with a ferret under the light of a full moon? I have.
[Posted in FML issue 2288]