Hi Everyone,
Yesterday, my large guy Sprout ate an entire Cheweasel.  Usually, although
he loves them dearly, he eats only part of it, so it may take 3 days for him
to consume the entire Cheweasel.
Last night he had a rather severe bout of diarreah...with watery, greenish
Today, he is eating, drinking and playing normally, although his stool is
still a bit on the slimy and loose side, the color is a lot more normal.  Is
is possible the upset is from the Cheweasel (or should I say from the large
amount of Cheweasel he had??).  Of course, if he is not back to 100%
"perfect" looking stools in a day or so, I'll be taking him to the vet.
Has anyone's ferret gotten diarreah from too much Cheweasel?
Fran Prager
[Posted in FML issue 2288]