Someone asked about 6-7" long kits (not including tail) being 5 weeks old.
I couldn't tell if they thought that estimate was too old or too young.  Our
first two were about that big when we got them and their adult teeth had
begun to erupt, so I would say that 6-7" they're more like 6-8 weeks old.
There was another post about an introduced kit causing the other ferret to
become sick.  The implication was that the kit was a carrier or some sort of
disease to which it was immune.  Every time we introduce a new ferret to our
batch we always get someone (or a few someones) who show symptoms of an
illness (eating less, green poopies, etc.), but every time so far it's
simply been related to the stress of adding a new member to the clan.
Another person posted the theory/rumor that MF had to kill a lot of their
breeders due to an ECE outbreak and therefore they had to ship the promised
amount of kits from fewer parents.  If this were the case, there should be
an increase in the price charged as well (above and beyond the normal
inflation that the other breeders are charging).  Law of supply and demand:
if the demand remains constant (or increases) as supply decreases, the price
of the good/service increases.  Does anyone know if MF has increased the
price of their kits?  Has there been a noticable increase in the price of
ferrets in the stores OR have the pet stores been using a different source
due to increased ferret costs from MF?
[Posted in FML issue 2287]