I have quite a circle of friends, and when I got the first two fuzzies (the
first of all of them) they were all curious and oh yeah, neat, cool - but
Marion, what do they do?  At the time I had to answer, well, I'm not sure.
I rescued them so I had no idea what I was getting in to (live and learn).
Now I have two more - a total of four - and I still get that question -
yeah, neat, cool, but, what do they do?
OK - here is what mine do:
1 - love me to death
2 - steal my socks
3 - bring tears to my eyes the minute I think they are sick
4 - steal my socks again
5 - put me in the greatest mood after playing with them or watching them
6 - steal my undies
7 - chase a rubber ball and bring it back dry (not full of goobers)
8 - steal my undies and the rest of my socks
9 - chase my cats down the hallways and up onto the window ledge where
    the cats are safe at last!!
10 - steal the last couple pairs of undies (til the drawer is empty)
11 - jump up and up and up and up until they can reach the hand towel in
     the bath room and take off like a bat out of hell and hide it before
     you see them do all this of course (naturally, you also have to be
     deaf for this to succeed - my boy Bartles who does this is a little
     chunker and he cannot jump up and down lightly!!)
12 - steal what ever else happens to be lying around and hide it
13 - tip the plants
14 - bug the cat again
15 - undo mommy's sweater that she is just about done knitting (I have had
     to start again twice - once because of the cats, and once because of
     Bartles) - and yes, it was up and out of the way, but I guess not up
16 - make me laugh and laugh and laugh when they are trying to get the
     rubber ball to stay in place in the bathtub (which has water in it -
     the balls float - and is also slanted - so when there is not alot of
     water in the tub, they slide down!!) - they can try to get it to stay
     still for hours before they finally give up!
17 - leap into the bathtub while I am trying to enjoy my bubble bath (in
     relative peace anyways)
18 - take off with the wash cloth (I then have to get out, dry off, get a
     new one - hide it, get back in and relax)
19 - take off with the soap (repeat step above)
20 - both of them - bartles and jaymes, pull and pull and tug and tug
     until they can get my towel off the rack and huff and puff and finally
     get it into the hall closet (I admit this takes them a while and
     instead of stopping them while I can reach my towel, I sit in the tub
     with this goofy grin being the proud mommy of these smart little
     critters and chuckle as they struggle!!
Well, there are just a couple things mine DO!
anyone else
[Posted in FML issue 2265]