Hey everyone.  This might end up long and boring so feel free to just skim
the "headings" and read what you like.
my new chifforobe!  It has 3 drawers, 2 wide shelves above the drawers, and
on the left of that a door that opens to reveal 5 more shelves.  Well, the
2 big shelves on top as well as 3 of the shelves inside the door have been
"claimed" by the ferrets for their loot.  I have to cram my clothes into 3
What do you think?  I am kinda leaning toward "no" since the tops of the
film canisters are a "chewy" rubbery sort of plastic.
Got one of these at Walmart for my boys.  Merlin loves to snuggle with it
because it's so soft, but I guess it didn't get McKyle's stamp of approval
because he peed on it's head.
Isn't this the best revenge?  "Hey mom, I don't like getting a bath, so I'm
gonna poop in the water so you have to take me out!" I can' figure out if
it's a fear-poop thing or if that warm water on the bladder & bowels just
feels sooo nice....
God, I was horrified to hear of one of these collapsing and breaking that
poor ferret's vertebrae!  (sp?) I hope the little fellow is doing better.
Speaking of this cage, it is the one I have and I have been thinking lately
too of carpeting the ramps and the 2 shelves.  I don't know about the bottom
floor, though, because my 2 poop-meisters think the litter box should stay
poop-less at all times.  I have a plan for attaching the carpet to the
ramps, but I can't figure out how to do it for the 2 shelves.  I don't
really want to velcro or glue it on.  Any suggestions?
Up every hour (or more often on restless nights) at every little ferret
noise!  What fun.  They sleep in our bedroom (except when my husband moves
the cage into the study on those rare romantic nights) so I can hear every
little whimper.  Mine appear to have nightmares too.  They twitch and
whimper/cry and sometimes fall out of bed (hammock).  I try to gently wake
them, letting them smell me and feel my hands before I actually lift them
up to cuddle.  Works wonders!  BTW, McKyle has been sleeping with his eyes
half-open lately.  This really creeps me out.  Does anyone know anything
about it?  Oh yeah, and Merlin SNORES!  Not kidding!
Merlin loves "sketti" too!  Well, mostly the sauce, I think.  Quite a sight
to see is his pudgy little albino body with face, mouth, and (guilty!) front
paws stained with spaghetti sauce!  And he just gives you that look: "Oh,
mama, but this stuff is so good!"
I thought the story about Paddington's walk was so cute!  Where do you get a
snuggly from?  I would really appreciate if you could post your answer on
the list!
Well, I have no experience with that but how about a ferret getting inside
of my cello?  BTW, they go wild if you play a **soft** note while they are
inside!  Gets them out in a jiffy!  (But be careful not to deafen them!)
Whoever is writing these, I think they are so cute!  Always gets a smile
from me.
I wholeheartedly agree that MF sends out kits too young.  I for one think
they do it a lot more often than just occasionally.  Does anyone have an
*address* for them?  Because believe me, I will write them a (polite but
firm) few lines stating the things I've seen.  If anyone has Marshall Farms'
address please be kind enough to post it on the list!  Thanks.
How many raisins should you feed your ferret?  As many as they want, even
if they want them all day long, every day!  (Sorry, my ferret made me write
that.  In truth I don't know the answer to your question.  Not more than one
every two days would be my guess.  But then again, that's only a guess.)  As
far as the shelf life of ferretone goes, I would be careful.  If there's an
expiration date on the bottle, always heed that.  However, I once got a
bottle from the pet store that had a waxy, chunky substance floating at the
bottom of the bottle, and the ferretone had a mildly bad smell.  (I took it
back to the pet store and showed it to them.  They refunded my money and
disposed of the other ferretone on the shelf which was from the same lot #
and in the same condition.) I don't know if the age of that bottle of
ferretone was actaully what was wrong with it or not, but it was definately
bad.  Just keep an eye out!
I hate to even mention this subject at the risk of starting another round of
bickering, but here goes.... Finally a reasonable arguement about the whole
declawing issue.  Yes, we all have our own opinions, but consider Sukie
Crandall's recent post.  (Sorry, what's the issue #, BIG?)  What she said is
the reality, whether we like it or not.  Maybe we should be careful where we
direct our energy about this.
OK!  That's all I have for now, and I bet you're all glad.  Happy Ferreting
to everyone.  Give those weasels an extra hug for all the joy they give you!
--Rachelle, David, McKyle, & Merlin
[Moderator's note: You probably mean Sukie's post in issue 2279.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 2286]