O.k. folks I have a request.  For those of you that have seen kits in stores
too young, pleeaaassee contact Marshall Farms and talk with a representative.
Be sure to get the name of the person you are talking with and ask for a
follow-up.  We can complain all we want to to each other but it isn't going
to change a thing.  So if there is a problem Marshall Farms needs to know.
Please be polite.  If you aren't polite they won't listen.  Maybe if enough
of us contact them they will listen.
Nancy found a kit in a pet store that was too young.  She talked with the
manager and instructed him on how to care for the little one.  When she
reported back to me I contacted Marshall Farms with the information (name
of pet store, date kit came in, broker, etc.).  This info helps MF track
down the kits shipment.  I was told that occassionally one too young will
slip through by accident.  Recently, the accidents have been more frequent.
If MF doesn't hear about it happening then they may not KNOW it is
happening.  The bottom of the totem pole may not (usually doesn't) always do
things correctly and the top may not know.  Ever hear of lower, middle, and
upper management?  Not many companies know what each section is doing.  Same
goes for MF.  If you owned a company and got enough complaints wouldn't you
look into it and terminate the employee(s) that was being so careless and
causing so many complaints?
When you see a problem, contact Marshall Farms (315) 594-1760 with the
information, then they can't say they didn't know.  In the very least, it
is better than doing nothing.
Hugs. tle
[Posted in FML issue 2285]