I know everyone is waiting with baited breath to find out how our
Garage/Craft Sale went and about the Princess Beanie Baby (PBB) Auction.
Well on the Garage/Craft Sale we brought in about 125.00   But the really
good news
   The final Bid on the Princess Beanie Baby = $500.00
PLUS the person who purchased the PBB has returned it to us (we have put her
in a Safety Deposit Box ).  The purchaser said "So the Shelter Ferrets will
have a nest egg for later".  We are so grateful for this wonderful person.
Two maybe three years from now we will be able to again Auction the PBB and
pay more medical bills.
We only have 6 Ferret Angels, and 8 Relax-A-Bags after the Craft Sale.
However due to demand for the Angels Barbara is working on more.
Thanks to all of you who sent people down to Vero for our Sale.
A Very special Thank you to ACME Ferret Co.  A federal Express truck arrived
at the shelter Friday (day before Craft Sale).  FE left a large box with
absolutely beautiful Ferret Stamps Inside.  Thank you ACME for the wonderful
Love to everyone from the Shelter Ferrets of the FFIRC
[Posted in FML issue 2264]