#1-Your office is simple yet, comfortable, inviting and filled with all
kinds of neat ferret things to raise money for ferret rescues.  You didn't
spend all kinds of money on useless fancy furniture or fancy tapestries for
your walls because you knew that your patients would be more impressed with
the quality care you can provide by spending that money on equipment and
instruments needed to make us better.  Your office smells better than most
#2-When I am having a particularly hard time and mom has to give me ouchy
sub- Q's you have always talked to my very worried mommy when she calls
(sometimes leaving a patients room).  Daddy say's your my Mommy's Lighthouse
in stormy seas.  Don't worry though, my mommy is getting far too good at
this (OUCHY) sub-Q's thing now.
#3-I remember the time you came 3 and a half hours over to give a seminar on
ferret emergencies, teaching our rescue how to save other fuzzy kids like me
in medical distress.  You even took one of my buddies (Feivel) home that day
because you didn't like the way his pee looked.  Feivel stayed with you for
a while and now he is playing and up to his old tricks because you gave him
new medicine and a new diet.  Do you think you could give him a tranquilizer
though because, he still picks on me when I go to visit him.  I think he's
#4-3 years ago when my mom heard an awful story about a baby ferret that was
taken away from her 11 year old mommy and killed for a rabies test she got
real mad and decided to change the law.  Mom and the Brevard Ferret Lovers
Rescue Inc.  talked to a lady, Stevie Rudder in Jax.  and Ms. Rudder called
you, gave you our number and you called to help.  Did you know that you and
Dr. Collins (University of Florida, small animal medicine) were the only
vets to volunteer your time to speak on our behalf.  I wish I could have
been there when you went before the Brevard Legislative Committee meeting in
Nov. 96.  Mom said they gave you more time than the county commissioners
were given to speak because, you had sooo much to say in our defense.  The
day after the meeting mom found a sponsor (Rep.  Howard Futch) to draft our
bill (HB3115).  Mr. Futch said he was very impressed with your impassioned
speech since, you didn't even have to look at note cards to give it.
#5-Your staff, Kathy, the Michelle's and all the rest are so kind and
professional to boot.  When we came too early one morning Michelle was going
to the bagel shop and even took our order.  When she came back she took the
time to show mom how to give sub-Q's in different places so I wouldn't get
too sore or tough.  Thank you Michelle!
#6-I'm real glad that you're.  a vegetarian.  Atleast I know you won't eat
me midway through my exam if you get hungry.
#7-My Dr. K. treats wildlife.  She has 3 bats she rescued and she's trying
to find a new home for the bat colony they came from Her bats are so cute.
They look just like us but, with a wing (they lost the other wing in a
battle with a cat), she potty paper trained them and built them a really
nice condo inside her office she carries one of them in her pocket sometimes
(he's so little).
Mom said you probably won't read this Dr. K.  but, I am hoping that those
who don't know you as well as we do will understand that, the Dr. K.  we
know and Love so very much is soooo much nicer than they realize.  In all
the time we have known each other I have never known you to put a dollar
sign before the health of a pet or for that matter a fuzzy foundling.
For all of you my friends who care to listen, know that my Dr. K.  cries on
the inside (sometimes on the outside too when we're not looking) for her
patients that hurt and well gosh, even though she's a human, she hurts too
and-that breaks my, lil heart.
Kisses and Snuggles to All
Footnote from Max's Mom: Please keep Max in your prayers, he needs them
right now.
Thank you Max's Mom
[Posted in FML issue 2284]