I have a couple of questions I am hoping someone can help me with.  I AM
somewhat behind on reading my FML's lately, so forgive me if something about
this has already been answered.
First, I am feeding all 6 of my fuzzies Mazuri ferret diet, I've heard alot
about all the other brands of ferret food, and was wondering if anyone can
tell me if Mazuri is a good diet, or just downright lacking somehow.  I
don't have any stores nearby that sell ferret food, and just found out the
feed store here can order this brand,so I'm trying it.  All the ferrets love
it and are doing great on it.  Just wondering if anyone has some experience
or knowledge of this brand.
Also, 2 of my ferts are in a cage that has wire ramps and shelves. They
have twice gotten their toes caught and allthough screamed quite wildly,
didn't do any damage. I remembered someone suggesting putting linoleum on
the floors and ramps, so I did that. They have never left the ramps intact,
and can get up on the shelves without them, so I removed the ramps, but
with the shelves covered with linoleum, they cannot curl their claws around
the wire and get up on the shelves. They DO manage to get up on them, but
it is a great struggle for them. (the ramps, they just slide down if they
try to climb them)  I'm wondering if anyone else has had this problem, and
what did you do? I hate to see them struggle, but I don't want broken toes
or other.
Thanks, Angel and the 6 heart snatchers
Jax (hold ME, mommy, ME)
Allister (hold still silly, I'm trying to clean your ears)
Sparky (I know how to disassemble things, I'm smart)
Rocky (hey Bandit, let's cuddle)
Cletus (hey, is that food!?!?)
Bandit (I love you mommy)
[Posted in FML issue 2284]