You people on the FML are the most wonderful people in the world!!  It's too
bad that some people can't seem to understand one's devotion to animals.To
the person who wants their name deleted from the list - so be it!  It's been
so good to know that there are other people like myself who are "obsessed"
with their pets.  Although I'm a first time ferret mom, I've had dogs all my
life and if you heard the way I talked to them you'd probobly send the men
in white coats!!  I've gotten even worse with my ferret baby!!
Thank God there are people like you!!  I enjoy sending and receiving mail
from you so much that I normally devote an hour or more a day just
corresponding!!  I couldn't have made it through these first few weeks
without you and feel as if I have an entirely new circle of friends.  As
Jadesun said: It's too bad I'll never get the chance to meet you!!
I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank the person who takes the
time to put this newsletter together.  When I joined the group I expected
to get a mailing maybe once a week!!  But to get one every single day is
just fantastic!  Just hearing about others' experiences has helped me a
great deal and I learn something new every day!!
Ferret parenting has been a very rewarding experience thus far.  I'm so glad
I finally took the plunge and got this little fellow.He is the dearest thing
in the world to me and has become a very importat part of my life.As for the
comment "ferret people should get a life" - apparantly that person is not as
truly devoted to her "fuzzbutt" as we are and we're probobly better off
without her.
Thanks again to all of you who make each day a brighter one for me.  And
thanks for being my "silly ferret friends"
At this time I'll warn you for now and the future that although I'm not
illiterate I CANNOT type and CANNOT spell so please be patient with me!!
[Posted in FML issue 2282]