Normally I try to stay out of this debate, since for the most part we rehash
the same issues *every* time this topic (MF) comes up.  And there are always
those defenders of MF who are less tolerant of other people's opinions and
seem to know it all.  However, I will dive in to say this:
I've had ferrets from PV, MF and local breeders.  I by far prefer the
breeder ferrets, as they have been SIGNIFICANTLY healthier (neutered/spayed
at 5-6 months).  As far as personality goes, NO ONE has the corner on the
market.  It really depends on the ferret, as far as we can tell.  While I'll
agree that MF ferrets for the most part have great personalities, let's not
rule out PV entirely.  My most "gentlemanly" ferret came from PV.  He was
wonderful with kids and adults alike.  We most very certainly miss him.
Oh, and about MF giving out paperwork with each of the ferrets they sell:
maybe they do, but *I* certainly didn't get any paperwork from the pet
store, meaning there was some missed communication between MF's distributor
and the pet store mgmt., at least where I bought my MF ferret 7 years ago.
Flame away if you will -- it will not change my mind.  I've been on the list
for almost 4 years and have seen the same arguments made over and over and
over.  And before people begin requoting their posts to me, don't bother --
I DID read the posts on this subject.
Amy, Dave & Sarah (and their gaggle of giggling ferrets)
RIP Ian and Elektra
[Posted in FML issue 2244]